About Us

Anne Wright giving Clenaing TipsHi my name is Anne Wright, I am married and have four active kids. So with having a busy life I wanted to find ways to make our lives simpler, and less cluttered. This led me to build this website to help other busy people declutter their lives and become more minimalist. I hope that you can find some inspiration from this site.

Declutter Our Home is an information site giving you ideas of the best ways to declutter your home. Staying organized and tidy can be hard as we all lead a busy lifestyle.

There is no right or wrong way to organize clutter in your home. You need to choose a system or method that is going to work for you and your family. For ways to declutter your home go to Declutter Your Home.

Decluttering and organizing your home is about identifying the problem areas and then creating a plan of action. For ways to create organization systems and to determine what storage options are available go to How to Organize Clutter.

A Minimalist Lifestyle is about living with only the things that we value and to dispose of the things that we don’t need or serve a purpose. Becoming a Minimalist is about finding time to do the things that make our lives fulfilled such as spending quality time with family and friends. There are different levels of Minimalist Living, to learn more go to Minimalism Lifestyle.